Christ-Centered Living

Friends! Today, I want to dive into Philippians chapter 1, verses 19-26. This passage is all about what it means to live as Christ. But have you ever stopped to think about what that really means?

For most of us, “to live” means to simply exist, to get by, or to have a fulfilling life. But for Paul, living as Christ was so much more than that. It was about dedicating ourselves to becoming like Christ, prioritizing His will over our own, and making decisions that align with His Word and serving one another.

So, what can we learn from Paul’s example? Let’s take a look at four key lessons from this passage.

Lesson 1: We Need Each Other

In verse 19, Paul thanks the church for their prayers and support. Can you imagine being stuck in prison, yet still finding joy and encouragement in the midst of it all? That’s exactly what Paul experienced, thanks to the church’s unwavering support.

As Christians, we’re not meant to go it alone. We need each other’s prayers, encouragement, and support to make it through life’s tough times. In Hebrews 10:25, we’re reminded not to neglect meeting together, but to encourage and support one another instead. The church’s support was not just emotional, but also practical. They provided for Paul’s physical needs, showing that they cared for him as a brother in Christ. As believers, we must learn to support one another in tangible ways, whether it’s through prayer, financial support, or practical help. 

Lesson 2: The Holy Spirit is Our Helper

Paul didn’t just rely on the church’s support, though. He also acknowledged the help of the Holy Spirit in verse 19. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be our Helper and Guide (John 14:17), and Paul experienced that firsthand. 

The Holy Spirit is not just a distant figure, but a present reality in our lives. He is the one who comforts us, convicts us, and empowers us to live a life that honors God. As believers, we have the Holy Spirit living inside us, guiding and supporting us every step of the way. In John chapter 16 verse 13 to 14, the Holy Spirit guides us, leads us, tells us the things to come, and shows us the truth of God. We must learn to depend on the Holy Spirit’s help in our lives, and to trust in His guidance and direction.

Lesson 3: Our Goal is to Please God

In verses 20-21, Paul shares his deep desire to please God, whether in life or death. For him, living as Christ meant living to please God, not just himself.

As Christians, our goal should be to please God in everything we do. We must live our lives in a way that honors God, and seek to please Him in our thoughts, words, and actions. Pleasing God is not just about following rules or regulations but about living a life that reflects His character. It’s about being motivated by a desire to honor God, rather than selfish ambition or personal gain. As believers, we must cultivate a desire to please God and seek to live a life that is worthy of His calling.

Lesson 4: We Should Desire to See Others Grow

In verses 24-26, Paul shares his desire to see the church grow and mature in their faith. He knew that his presence was necessary for their progress and joy, and he was willing to stick around to help them grow.

As believers, we should have the same mindset. We should desire to see others grow in their faith and be willing to support and encourage them along the way.

This desire for others to grow is not just about seeing numerical growth in the church but about seeing spiritual growth in the lives of believers. It’s about investing in the lives of others and helping them to become more like Christ. As believers, we must cultivate a desire to see others grow and be willing to invest our time and energy into helping them.


As we seek to live as Christ, let us remember these four important lessons. May we be encouraged to support one another, depend on the Holy Spirit’s help, please God in everything we do, and desire to see others grow and mature in their faith. May we live a life that honors God and reflects the character of Christ.

Let’s strive to live as Christ, friends!