Why Go to Church? Understanding the True Meaning and Importance of Church

The concept of church can be a turn-off for many people. Bad memories, negative experiences, and a sense of exclusiveness can make people hesitant to associate themselves with the idea of church. Many people also associate the word “church” with a physical building, denomination, or event. However, the original meaning of the word “church” is far more profound.

The Greek word “Ekklesia” means “the called-out assembly” or “congregation.” This refers to a group of people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and have come together to share their faith, support one another, and grow in their spiritual journey.

In other words, the word “church” has nothing to do with a physical building or denomination. It’s about the gathering of people who share a common belief in Jesus Christ. 

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul discusses spiritual gifts and uses the human body as a metaphor to describe the unity and diversity of believers in Christ. Just as our physical bodies are made up of different parts that work together, Paul argues that every individual who has accepted Christ becomes a vital part of the body of Christ, regardless of their background or social status. Each member is essential to the well-being of the whole body, and no one can say that they are not needed. This emphasizes the importance of every individual’s role in the body of Christ and encourages us to recognize our own value and contribution to the larger community of believers with our gifts.

Being part of the Body of Christ and functioning as individual members is crucial. When we attend church and gather with fellow believers, we’re not just fulfilling an obligation – we’re actively participating in the life of the Body.

As members of the Body of Christ, attending church and gathering with fellow believers is essential. In Hebrews 10:23-25, we’re encouraged to:

  • Hold firm to our faith
  • Stir one another towards love and good deeds
  • Not neglect meeting together, especially as the Lord’s return draws near

We should use our gatherings to encourage one another.

In Ephesians 4:11-15, Paul emphasizes the importance of being part of the assembly of God’s people. When we gather together, each individual member is called to utilize their unique gifts from God. By doing so, we reap numerous benefits that enrich our lives and our walk with God.

Here are the key advantages of meeting together as members of Christ’s body:

  • We’re equipped for the work God has called us to do, empowering us to fulfill our purpose.
  • Gathering together builds us up, helping us grow and become more like Christ Jesus.
  • We grow in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, leading to spiritual maturity.
  • We become less susceptible to false teachings and doctrines, no longer swayed by every wind of doctrine.
  • We’re protected from the deceitfulness of people and their crafty schemes.
  • We’re able to speak the truth to one another, fostering growth and maturity in our walk with God.

By meeting together and utilizing our gifts, we experience these benefits and more, ultimately strengthening the Body of Christ.

In summary, Scripture encourages us that gathering together as God’s people is essential for our collective health and well-being. While some may have had negative experiences within the community, it’s crucial that we acknowledge and address these issues. Every member of the Body of Christ is vital, and losing one member can impact the entire body’s functionality and health.

Don’t let a negative church experience hold you back from growing in your faith. If you’ve been hurt or discouraged, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted Christian leader or mentor. Remember, every member of the Body of Christ is vital, and we can’t afford to leave anyone behind. As 1 Corinthians 12:26 reminds us, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.”